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Mon 6:47 PM : now playing:  Box of Maniacs
overcast, 59°F
88.1 fm
staff only

Welcome to WMBR!

WMBR is MIT's very own FM radio station. All MIT students are invited to join WMBR and participate in the exciting world of radio broadcasting.

WMBR is a federally licensed FM radio station, operating at 88.1 MHz from the campus of MIT. Our signal can be heard in most of eastern Massachusetts at 88.1 FM, 365 days a year, 20-24 hours per day. WMBR is a noncommercial, all volunteer radio station. None of its members are paid for its efforts. The majority of WMBR's funding comes from listener donations with additional support from MIT.

WMBR's unique and innovative programming ranges from hip-hop to classical, punk rock to jazz, blues to celtic fiddle tunes. We offer the opportunity for MIT students and community members to learn about music, radio engineering, audio production techniques, electrical engineering, acoustics, news reporting and how to manage a small business.

WMBR is located in the basement of the Walker Memorial Building at 142 Memorial Drive (near the intersection with Ames St.). Our program guide is available online, and on the front door of our studios (MIT Room 50-030). It changes within the first few weeks of each MIT semester (Fall, Spring, Summer).

Interested in Joining?

To find out more about getting involved with WMBR, send email to membership@wmbr.org, or stop by the station (Walker Memorial Bldg. Basement, Room 50-030) during Recruitment Office Hours: Mondays 6-8pm in September.

Also, please take a look at the information you'll need to know, once you become a Station Member.

Additional Information About WMBR:

© WMBR is a registered servicemark of the Technology Broadcasting Corporation. MIT Contact WMBR